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PHPRS fórum

<a2>provoz, závody</a2>

Zpět Pozvánka na Hot Party 2007

Vydáno dne 21. 10. 2007 (3962 přečtení)

A touch of chirp possibly will be in the air when the QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY cordially is inviting to the


18 - N O V - 2 0 0 7 (3rd Sunday in November)

Podmínky aktivity v českém jazyce jsou na pozvánce na loňský ročník.

Once a year homebrewers and enthusiasts of oldtime-equipment together are
introducing their creations on the HOT-PARTY. A taste of chirp is in the air
and switching from transmitting to receiving may last a little
longer...Skilful revived museum pieces are giving signs of life as well as
brandnew constructions around ICs and SMD. Loving restored and maintained
commercial radio equipment meets rigorous homebrewing. No "taboos" like a
5W-QRP-limit narrows down the freedom of this meeting on the air.

Unlimited permissive like "HOT" suggests? Not quite so: the coincidence of
"buy & plug & play & don't have the slightest idea about anything" is
invited to stay outside the PARTY.

GUESTS :    operators of homebrew or more than 30 years old equipment

CLASS A :   TX  a n d  RX are homebrew or older than 30 years

CLASS B :   TX  o r  RX are homebrew or older than 30 years
            (A homebrew or oldtime TX or RX may be completed by a modern
            commercial RX or TX)

CLASS C :   QRP-TX below 10 watts input or 5 watts output,
            homebrew or older than 30 years

DATE :      18 - N O V - 2 0 0 7  (3rd Sunday in November)

QRG :       1300-1500 UTC: 7010-7040 kHz    1500-1700 UTC: 3510-3560 kHz

MODE :      Single OP CW, PA input below 100 watts (Class A, Class B)

CALL :      "CQ HOT"

EXCHANGE:   RST, serial No. (starting from 001 on BOTH bands) /Class
            e.g. 579001/A

POINTS :    Class A : with A or C = 3 points, with B = 2 points
            Class B : with A or C = 2 points, with B = 1 point
            Class C : with A or C = 3 points, with B = 2 points
            (No multiplier points)

LOGS:       must include a description of the homebrew or oldtime equipment
            used (type, vintage). A short description of abt. 40 letters
            will be published in the result list.

DEADLINE:   Dec 15th to: Dr. Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST, Schlesierweg 13,
            D-38228 SALZGITTER, Germany.
            e-mail: dj7st(zavináč)darc.de (e-logs -.txt or LM-formated, please)

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